DEVELOPERS: Design with Accessibility in Mind
Developers are the foundation of all digital content, websites, and assets, whether created by freelance consultants, startup companies with small R&D groups or by huge enterprises with large developer teams. Allyable provides simple tools to help any developer gain digital accessibility knowledge quickly and conveniently, so they can design with accessibility in mind.
Allyable’s secure A11yDev™ browser plug-in gives developers, content marketers, designers, QA testers and other digital creators a simple, yet powerful way to build assets with accessibility in mind and meet compliance guidelines in the design phase! You can easily and safely debug, audit, update, manage and maintain all of your digital assets, making them accessible to users with and without disabilities. A11yDev lets you identify, report and manuA11y remedy potential compliance violations during the development process, directly from the browser. Pre-production mode allows the internal team to test accessibility before going live. Find out more about our accessibility testing tools chrome by visiting our Resources Center or by Contacting Us today